Divine Juiciness Playshop
Tucson, April 11, 2010
“The concepts of male and female are not forever divided by a gender gap; they can be viewed as two polarities that meet and merge in every human being. Man or woman, we have both masculine and feminine qualities. Honoring this polarity opens us to a sense of the sacred.” - Margot Anand
Join us as we work, play and explore what it means to be male or female in our society. With special communication exercises, movement and HUMOR, we’ll share our struggles and joys, and discover what we need to move fully into our passion and power as individual men and women.
We’ll devote the morning to separate men and women’s circles, with a co-ed afternoon session to share our transformations and actually celebrate together!
Men will shift from the common “get-her-done” approach to relationship, to a relaxed and open trust in their ability to love. They will also discover and feel that this is their greatest strength and value as men!
Women will have the opportunity to bathe in the feminine power of their sensual nature and affirm their wholeness. As they deepen their potential to love and trust their own hearts, they will realize the power they have to witness and evoke the true love-essence of their partners.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Caritas Healing Center, 330 E. 16th St. Tucson AZ
9:30am – 5:30pm
$35 in advance, $50 at the door
(Special Relationship Puja - an interactive meditation of blessing and appreciation)
Join us and celebrate the union of the masculine and feminine in yourself and in all your relationships!