In the Spirit of Intimacy - The New Stuff!

Most of the time, Diana and I learn gradually that intimacy is a gift from spirit and requires our gratitude and willingness to hear what spirit has brought us together for. With truth-telling, patience and occasional gnashing of teeth, we take a few steps forward, a couple back, often wondering if we're on the right track or not.

But every once in a while, the Big Love-Train rumbles into town and instantly blows away all doubt.

Last Friday night's class on Finding Your Sexual Voice was just such an arrival. With a small gathering of fellow passengers, Diana and I explored the connection between the human voice and Life Energy (aka "sexual energy"). Using guided meditation, ecstatic dance, and flat-out babbling gibberish to activate our deeper voices, we all laughed till our sides were sore and declared out loud our inherent freedom of speech with regard to matters of the heart and below.

It was a revelation for me to see that not only were all of our participants moving beyond their acculturated fears and speaking freely of their sexuality, they were also quite ready to do so, needing very little "instruction" from Diana or me! Afterwards, the mood in the room was riveting as person after person spoke of how touched they were to share on such a deep level. As westerners, we may still be in our adolescence concerning intimacy, but gatherings like these convince me we are taking a collective step into an adult stance in relationships.

And, as life imitates art, Diana and I went on to enjoy the most amazing weekend of clarity and deep trusting, discovering anew that frank communication of our own truths is sacred. And funny! Our stories are just fine they way they are, no apologies or fixing necessary. My overly polite, Minnesota-nice style of speaking about all things "below" to our newbies (avoiding anus-penis-vagina) is hysterically funny, actually! And I'll let you ask Diana about her favorite word that she wishes she could take back.

Somehow, in the process of learning and teaching others how to speak the body's whole truth, Diana and I were given fresh ears to hear, at least for a time. To fully embrace sexuality as sacred in this so-called culture means working against the grain, no doubt about it. But for our friends and us, compassion is the by-product that wells up as we share our stories and realize that we're not alone with our conditioned shame, self-consciousness and self-doubt. It's like finding ourselves in the sweet fresh air that surrounds a waterfall - we relax and breathe deeply. Speaking openly and honestly - in the spirit of intimacy - we even recover self-compassion, and finally (or suddenly) get an inkling of what it is to be "alove" in this world.

As Diana would say, "This is not the same old boring schtick. We've got to let our people know somehow that this is the New Stuff!"

I couldn't agree more...

Hope to see you all in November,


I've kicked the habit
Shed my skin
This is the new stuff
I go dancing in, we go dancing in
Oh won't you show for me
And I will show for you
Show for me, I will show for you

Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel

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