~~~~ A Sky-Dancing Event In the Phoenix Area!~~~~
"Don't count on sex to be the door to intimacy. It's the other way around; first develop intimacy skills, then make love to enjoy them."
Margot Anand
The Heart Aroused:
A Valentine's Gift of Love
A Valentine's Gift of Love
Scottsdale, Arizona
February 13-14, 2009
Friday 7-9:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-9:30pmFebruary 13-14, 2009
Make this year's Valentine's Day one to remember forever as you nurture and recreate yourself in a sumptuous day-long playshop of healing and celebration. With meditation and movement, sacred ritual and a sensual evening feast, you will be able to feel for yourself the beauty of your own Heart. As we share with you the four basic secrets of tantric ecstasy, you will realize a deeper knowing and loving of yourself, learn how to be a fantastic lover, and create what you want in your life and in all your relationships!
This engaging workshop is for singles and couples alike, ages 18 to 80. Whether you come by yourself or with a partner, you will find Sky-Dancing Tantra to be an enlivening and nourishing experience. You'll discover the amazing shift of meeting your partner and other new friends on a level of intimate trust and understanding. And you will take home practices that you can develop and build on to cultivate a lifetime of ecstasy, radiant health and connection with Spirit.
- Realize and accept your heart's natural perfection
- Rediscover and feel how sexual energy is the physical expression of your higher consciousness
- Develop trust in your love life
- Allow our specially crafted "deep heart" music to heal and awaken your playful and innocent self
- Invite spirit and soul back into sex so that the physical and spiritual aspects of your nature become one.
Free Evening Introduction!
Friday, Feb 13, 7-9:30pm
"How to Make Love With Your
Wild, Wide Open Heart"Vision Quest Book Store (link)
2225 N. Scottsdale Rd,
Scottsdale, AZ (map link HERE)Call for Saturday's Scottsdale Location and Directions!
Saturday, Feb 14, 9:30 am-9:30 pm
"The Heart Aroused"
Diana at 928-445-7501, Glenn at 507-649-2488*BOTH EVENTS ARE OPEN TO COUPLES AND INDIVIDUALS*Diana Owens LCSW, CST, is a licensed clinical
social worker, certified sex therapist, and a
Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher.
Glenn Bourdot is a writer/musician and trained
Mankind Project facilitator with 30 years
experience in Re-Evaluation Counseling.
Diana & Glenn are life partners, committed to
co-creating a spirit-filled, loving, and peaceful world.Cost: $135 per person, $210 for couples
(lunch, dinner and snacks included!)
$105 person, $185 couple
BEFORE FEBRUARY 6thTo register:
go to www.lovingway.net (link)
and click on “What's New”, "To Register"
or call Diana at 928-445-7501, Glenn at 507-649-2488
“Sky-Dancing Tantra teaches that in the heart, we learn the difference between falling in love, a biological narcotic rush, and rising in love, a state of deep clarity and conscious bliss.” -Margot Anand