I'm always talking about the same thing. Ask Diana. It's why we're together, I believe, but I'll say more about that later. Right now I'll just stick to what I know.
Beyond the overwhelmingly obvious link between sex and Heart (you may all nudge-nudge each other now), it simply just blows my mind that whatever form Reality takes, it looks a heck of a lot like what I say it is.
Great sunset? Blessed be. Spilt milk? Aww, shhh... ummm, I mean, Ah-Men!
Margot Anand offers a thumbnail definition of tantra that also applies to this peculiar ability of "the world out there" to mirror our inner assumptions about it. "Choose with awareness", she says, "that which brings you joy, and opens your heart to spirit."
Needless to say, I am indebted to Margot (and Diana) for the title of this very blog, Choosing the Loving Way. Here, I intend to highlight, celebrate, and rave sublimely about the sheer miracle of Existence, the galvanizing power of Shadow, and the ineffable breakthroughs into Light and Love Itself. Choosing the Loving Way will also serve as a means of networking and creating community for all those interested in Diana's work and writing and our workshops together.
For now, I will leave you with another photo that I took of Diana and me this summer, as I am still learning how to use this site! And just because I can...
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