Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones.
Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin',
Everything is broken.
-- Bob Dylan
A quick note about the "split". Love/sex, man/woman, spirit/matter, body/mind... the more I meditate/cogitate about these dualisms, the more amorphous they become. Yes, I know, come Monday morning, I'll be knocking off hats again. I'm not boasting of some grand *Aha* moment, and that's exactly the point I'm making. The healing of these so-called splits is supposed to take forever! It's an appropriate life's Work. Or, as we used to say back in the day: “There are no obstacles on the path, the obstacles are the path.”
The idea that Creation itself is in a fallen state is central to our collective Judeo-Christian culture. Damn near everything we see, read, or hear is aimed to bring us back to some prior unity and balance. We're all in the business. Heck, even this blog holds out some *hope* for healing!
While it's true that Tantra is a whole lot more than just sexual dexterity in a ritual format, I would not want to lead anyone (or myself) to believe that Tantra can put back together all that has become separate. But it is the most direct path that I have found to the realization that the unity I seek is within myself, and that any possibility of union "outside" of myself is null and void. Already. Even the seeking itself is just so much pulling up of bootstraps. "As if", as my 20-somethings would say.
So, if you're interested in looking at a Way to do some real work, some fun work, and explore the essence of Tantra, then by all means join us on Thursday night November 1 for our FREE evening of exercises and Puja in Minneapolis! Information HERE
Our Healing the Split Between Love and Sex workshop follows on Saturday and Sunday, November 3rd & 4th (same LINK ), Give us a call or drop a line, we'd love to hear from you!
Glenn & Diana